Japan Space One Kairos Rocket Explodes After Lift- Off


Japan’s first private rocket launch fails: satellite explodes in mid-air

Disha, National Bureau: Japan’s attempts to experiment in space on a commercial basis have suffered setbacks. The rocket developed by the startup ‘Space One’ Co. of the country’s capital Tokyo was launched from the launch center in Kushi moto area on Wednesday morning.

But the rocket exploded in the air shortly after it was launched into orbit. Heavy smoke and fire spread. If the test is successful, Space One will become the first Japanese private company to launch a satellite into orbit. This came as a shock to Japan, which was trying to enter the satellite-launch market. However, the authorities did not disclose the damage caused by the accident.

This rocket made by Space One is 59 feet. Operates on four-phase solid fuel. It was named Kairos. Kairos means right moment in ancient Greek. Aiming to overcome a historic milestone by launching Kairos into orbit. It was originally supposed to be launched on March 9. But it was postponed due to the detection of a ship at the launch site. The rocket failure shocked not only Space One but its subsidiaries. Japanese shares fell 13 percent after the rocket explosion.

The theme of ‘Space One’

Space One was launched in 2018 with the support of several investors. It was co-founded by a major Japanese tech business group including Canon Electronics, IHI Aerospace, Shimizu Corporation, Development Bank of Japan. It aims to develop commercial space missions and establish a niche in the market. Shimizu Corporation built its own launch site for Kairos. It is named Space Port Kii.

A rocket experiment failed in Japan, which is known for its cutting-edge technology and excellent technology. This shocking incident took place on Wednesday morning. If we go into the details… Kairos rocket was launched from Western Japan by a private space center company called Space One. The rocket was launched at 11 am Japan time. This rocket launch is a very prestigious launch for the company. But unfortunately, the rocket exploded within a few moments of launch. A huge explosion can be seen in that video. The rocket that took off from the launch pad exploded while watching.

The rocket exploded into pieces and fell all around the launch pad. The rocket was completely destroyed due to the massive explosion. This solid fuel rocket, which is about 59 feet long, exploded shortly after launch. However, there was no loss of life in this incident. However, the reasons for the failure of this experiment are to be known. The startup space company ‘Space One’ from Japan has undertaken this experiment. It was supposed to carry a mock-up of a Japanese government spy satellite. But unfortunately, it exploded while launching, and it remained a failed experiment. It is reported that the company suffered a huge loss due to this incident. And share your views on this incident in the form of comments.


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