Chandra Grahan 2024 Date: Chaddhavaram becomes the first president of the Hindu calendar… Garbhavastha becomes the first vice president of the Hindu calendar..!

Chandra Grahan 2024 Date:

This year, Holi and lunar eclipse are coming on the same day. A total lunar eclipse actually occurred on Holi in 1924. It’s back now.

The lunar eclipse will occur on the full moon day of Phalguna month i.e. Monday 25th March 2024. According to pundits, the lunar eclipse will start at 10:23 am and last till 3:02 pm. In fact, negative energies are active on lunar eclipse day. Pregnant women should be careful at this time. Let’s find out today what precautions to take.

According to astrology negative energies dominate during an eclipse. In this situation people should not perform puja at home. Pregnant women should not come out of the house. The effect of the eclipse at this time is evident on their health and on the unborn child. Stay alert for a total of 4 hours and 36 minutes. Pregnant women should not use sharp objects during this time. If scissors, needles and knives are used, there are chances of bad effect on children.

Scholars say that pregnant women should not come out in the background of lunar eclipse. Eclipse light affects the health of the baby, pregnant women. At this time negative energy enters the atmosphere. There are chances of it affecting the baby. Astrologers say that pregnant women should not sleep during lunar eclipse. If pregnant women sleep during this time, it directly affects the mental health of the baby. During this time women should chant the Lord’s name as much as possible. Due to this negative energies cannot enter your body.


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