Indian Navy Captured 35 Somali Pirates

Indian Navy Captured 35 Somali Pirates:

35 Somali pirates who hijacked Bulgarian merchant ship Ruen have been remanded to Mumbai Police for ten days.

The Indian Navy freed Bulgaria’s hijacked merchant ship from Somali pirates and captured 35 pirates. The Navy handed them over to Mumbai Police.

The Mumbai Sessions Court has given ten days’ police remand to all 35 Somali pirates. The Indian Navy handed them over to the police on Saturday. The pirates had hijacked the Bulgarian merchant ship Ruen. The Navy had worked hard to free this hijacked merchant ship from the clutches of the pirates. After an operation that lasted about 40 hours, the Navy personnel succeeded in freeing the ship, as well as arrested about three dozen Somali pirates.

In fact, a merchant ship named MV Ruen was hijacked by Somali pirates on 14 December 2023. This merchant ship had more than 15 crew members from Bulgaria, Angola, Myanmar. A Navy spokesperson said that INS Kolkata carried out the brave operation on Saturday evening, 15 March 2024. The Indian Navy surrounded 35 Somali pirates and forced them to surrender.

This operation lasted for about 40 hours. All 17 crew members were safely freed in this operation. The Navy spokesperson said that after the hijacking, the pirates tried to escape the merchant ship but to help INS Kolkata in this operation, INS Subhadra, unmanned aerial vehicle, P-8I maritime patrol aircraft and commandos were also sent for help so that the merchant ship could be freed from the pirates at any cost. After this bold action of the Indian Navy, the President of Bulgaria also thanked the Prime Minister of India.


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