Usha Vance TANA: Maga Racial Discrimination Comments on Usha Vance- Condemned Tana

Usha Vance TANA

Ever since JD Vance was elected as the vice-presidential candidate of the Republican Party for the 2024 US presidential election, his wife, Usha Chilukuri Vance, of Indian origin, is always in the news.

Meanwhile, TANA (Telugu Association of North America) recently condemned the racist comments made by MAGA (Make America Great Again) members against her. “Such racist comments are unacceptable. We condemn them. We stand in support of Usha Vance. We condemn the allegations against her,” TANA president Niranjan Sringavarapu said.

When will the Telugu community in the superpower split into two on the matter of supporting parties in America! Disenfranchised students and employees support Democrats. That party’s immigration policies are the reason for this. But businessmen and green card holders support Republicans.

And now it has become more difficult for the Telugu community to choose one between two women of Indian origin (Kamala Harris who is in the Democratic candidate race – Usha Vance). At this time, organizations like Maga making racist comments against Usha Vance are worrying the Telugu community.

“We condemn racist attacks against people irrespective of their nationality. We are proud to consider Usha as a person of Indian origin and not a Telugu woman,” said Mohan Nannapaneni, former president of TANA.

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Mohan said that the support of Indians is equal for Republicans and Democrats, so the racist attack on Usha Vance should not be linked to elections. Moreover, he said, many Indians benefited only when the Republicans came to power.

“Elections should be based on merits and demerits. Racial discrimination should not be resorted to. Moreover, such comments will not increase votes,” said Mohan.

“I am an Indian American. I condemn the allegations of racism against Usha Vance. Coming from a colonial family, Usha Vance’s journey is a symbol of America’s diversity and unity,” said former TANA Secretary Ashok Kolla. The allegations of racial discrimination made against Usha Vance are baseless.

Maga members believe that Usha had a profound effect on JD Vance’s career. They are concerned that the Republican Party’s immigration policies will change as a result.

“Who is this Jedi Vance? Do you think he will be positive for America with an Indian wife and a son named Vivek?” Some of our members are of the opinion. Some have also accused that JD Vance’s marriage is not traditional.


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