Crime: ‘Hug me on the pyre’ 7-page suicide note of a tearful married man


Quarrels between husband and wife are common… But in Maharashtra’s Chhatrapati Shambhaji Nagar, a doctor’s wife took a rash decision.

Moreover, before dying, his wife wrote a 7-page letter. Not only that, but the doctor’s wife also wrote in her suicide note that she wanted my husband to give me a big hug before putting me on the pyre. She told her husband to forget me and live happily for the rest of her life. This 7-page suicide note will bring tears to everyone’s eyes.

A married woman who ended her life has told in her suicide note how and to what extent her husband tortured her. In her suicide note, Dr. Pratiksha stated that reading how much her husband tortured her for 4 months after marriage, you will also get angry. Dr. Pratiksha did not lose her love for her husband despite all this torture. While complaining about her husband in her suicide note, she also expressed her love for him. Fed up with his tortures, she ended her life.

What Pratiksha says on the last page of the suicide note is…

Hey, I really understand your dominating nature. A man should not be so dominant. I wanted to live, but nothing was possible between us after marriage. You never understood me, you kept me in limits. Tired of this problem, I am committing suicide. Live well If you ever love me even a little, give me a big hug and then put me on the pyre. Finally forget me and live happily ever after,” wrote Dr. Pratiksha.

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What else did Pratiksha say in the suicide note?


I love you so much. I forgot myself for you. It’s not fair to bother a smiling girl like me. You made a girl who wanted to be self-reliant into a dependent. I married you with many dreams that you will give me a good life, take care of me, support me in my career and give me a small family. I left everything as you said. When I talk to my friends, relatives, parents, brother you get angry, so I even stopped talking to them more. But your stomach is not full. You constantly doubt my character, but God, I am honest with you.

If I tell my family about my problem, our relationship will break.

If you doubt me, you will know that you don’t trust me. Even during my work hours, you always keep an eye on me to see what I’m doing there. He was not allowed to study when he wanted to appear for NEET PG. You started harassing me mentally saying my mistakes every day. He gets angry if I don’t answer the phone when I’m at work. They used to pacify me by threatening to break our relationship if I told them about my problems at home. I can’t bear it anymore.

I earned money through my hard work and with the help of my parents. I really wanted to be a gynecologist. But you crushed my every dream. You are not alone. Treat them (in-laws) well, don’t get angry with them. Mommy-Daddy, I love you so much. Goodbye… Now I’m a free bird. She ended her letter saying that.


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