Symbiosexual: Symbiosexual.. Chi Padu.. This is the new disease.. The new trend of falling in love with a couple.


Symbiosexual.. Yes, this is a new trending word on the internet. We have seen bisexual… we have seen homosexual. But what is this new symbiosexual? Wait… You will be shocked if you know the real thing. Not only that… Eve!! Cheechi will be angry that this is a bad world!

What actually happened… If we come straight to the point without giving any suspense as to what this symbiosexual sphere is. It is normal for a man to be attracted to a woman. It is equally common for a woman to be attracted to a man. It’s a trend we’ve always seen… but a new trend says that a person is more attracted to couples who are already in a relationship than to someone of the opposite gender. Still don’t understand… It may be a girl… or a man… but one person is simultaneously attracted to a couple instead of a single person on the other side.

This strange new trend has been named “symbiosexual” by researchers at Seattle University in the US. It means that bisexuality and homosexuality are somehow hidden in this. Otherwise, the new angle is to see a couple at the same time and find yourself getting close to them sexually or romantically. If not, another thing to worry about is that the number of people affected by symbiosexuality is gradually increasing, said Dr. Shali Johnston, who led this research.

But there is another thing to note here, says Dr. Shali Johnston. That is, those who are attracted to symbiosexuality are said to value not only their physical appearance, but also their likes, dislikes and lifestyle. Some people from western countries are of the opinion that this trend is not our fault as they also like all the qualities of the other couple. Moreover, they say that there is no possibility of this type of bonds growing in the future.

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As far as taste in sex is concerned… everyone’s tastes are different. What is new is this symbiosexuality. In a way it is close to the culture of this threesome. Do you know threesome? Sharing one’s sexual partner with another in the same bed. And to put it bluntly, all three are enjoying sexual life at the same time. This may sound strange to those who have grown up among traditions and practices. But the latest survey says that the number of people who are attracted to this trend in the world is also increasing.

If we want to analyze another aspect of this… If one person has sexual relations with another without the knowledge of their spouse, it is an extra-marital relationship. It is also called illegal relationship. But knowing this, if we like each other in front of each other, this will be symbiosexuality!!

When looking at the variety trend called symbiosexuality, the story of the Hollywood movie called Challengers comes to mind. Challengers’ movie which released in Hollywood earlier this year is a sports and romantic drama. In this too, the threesome’s sexual life will be a part of the storyline.

Hearing about this new variety trend called symbiosexual makes people gag. We have been hearing for a long time that the days are changing. But if we look at the changing days, this symbiosexuality is such that we have to turn our noses up.


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