Bengaluru: ‘Ninnappa Gas Kodtana..’ Auto driver slapped a woman on the cheek for canceling the booking!


A video of an angry auto driver assaulting a woman and slapping her on the cheek has gone viral on social media. Although there is no video of the auto driver hitting her on the cheek, in the video that has gone viral, the woman asks, ‘Why did you hit my cheek…’

He asked the auto driver. At the same time, the auto driver abused the young woman with unspeakable sounds. The young woman accused me of being assaulted. Auto book on Ola app during peak hours. Both the girl & friend have booked two autos. The young woman got into the first auto. Another auto has been canceled by the young woman. The driver is angry for canceling the auto. Ola has complained to the company condemning the behavior of the auto driver and Ola has also responded to the young woman’s complaint. The behavior of the driver is alarming. Please provide complete information. Ola stands in support of the young woman saying that action will be taken against the auto driver.

‘Yesterday I faced severe harassment for canceling Simple Ride. Your auto driver physically molested me in Bangalore. Despite reporting this, your customer support team is not responding. Take immediate action,’ a woman named Niti wrote on X.

ALSO CHECK: OLA Auto: Ola Auto driver arrested for raping a young women!

On Wednesday me and my friend both booked two autos in Ola peak hour. We boarded the first auto and canceled the other one. However, the auto driver whose booking was canceled followed us and was very angry. Before informing him of the situation, he started shouting and started abusing with unspoken words.

He not only scolded us but also asked if your father’s car is there. He is even more angry while recording this. Complaining to the police means that he challenged me. He wrote that he did not see any fear of the police. Our only mistake was booking two autos simultaneously. The reason for that is the intention not to miss the class. Autos in Bangalore usually cancel rides or ask for more money. They can bear fighting with me. However, threatening and attacking is not right. Things got worse when they tried to confiscate my phone. I objected to this. This time he slapped my cheek in front of the auto driver. During this time, the neighbors tried to control him, but he continued to bully. He wrote that he was threatening to hit me with a shoe.


At this point my auto driver explained the situation. However, only Ola’s response was disappointing. We got automated replies when the incident was described through the app. Attempts to go to customer support also failed. In the video posted by her, it is recorded that the auto driver said to the auto driver, “Ninma**, Ninappa give gas… Bangalore Police is also aware of this incident.


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