When love blossomed, daughter became father’s bride, applied sindoor even though she was a Muslim father and daughter

father and daughter

This is a love story of father and daughter. The video of their marriage is gaining a lot of attention on social media. Opposing this marriage, the son called a YouTuber and asked him to make a video of it, after which this matter came to light.

The surprising thing is that the daughter also agreed to marry her father wholeheartedly! She said that she loves her father. At the beginning of this video, the YouTuber asks whether both of you are Muslims, to which both answer yes. After this, the YouTuber asks why did they apply kumkum-sindoor? Then the truth comes out. Actually, the girl’s mother was a Hindu. She wanted to marry according to Hindu customs. That’s why she applied kumkum-sindoor, her father told.

Further in the video, both the father and daughter said that they want to do Nikaah. It is worth noting that this is the second marriage of the father. The young man seen in the video is the son of the father’s first wife. After her death, the father got married for the second time. But at the time of marriage, the woman was already married, and she also had a daughter. At the time of marriage, the daughter was just five years old.

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Both are father-daughter in relation. But they do not have a blood relation, so what is the harm in getting married, this is the father’s argument. The daughter also wanted to marry me, he said. The son has opposed this marriage. He says that this is completely wrong. Both are father and daughter in the relationship. Society will never accept this. He pleaded with the YouTuber to make them understand and stop this marriage. But both remained adamant on their insistence.

Finally, the YouTuber asked the girl how she fell in love with her father. To this, she said that she was happy to see her father’s work. What is wrong in getting married, she asked. Overall, there is a lot of discussion about this marriage now. Let us tell you that this love relationship between parents and children is called Oedipus complex. You must have heard the story of Oedipus in Greek mythology. He was told that he would kill his father, so his father abandoned him. Oedipus did not know anything about his parents. Once there was a war between father and son and Oedipus killed his father. According to the tradition of that time, after defeating the king, his wife had to be married. Oedipus did the same. He did not know that she was his mother. Later he also had children. Then one day both of them came to know the truth. Freud named the mental disorder that developed in Oedipus at that time as ‘Oedipus Complex’.


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