Taiwan Earthquakes Today Live 2024: Two more earthquake in Taiwan… What happened at midnight

Taiwan Earthquakes Today Live 2024

Taiwan Earthquakes Today Live 2024: Two earthquakes hit Taiwan in the middle of the night. The first strong earthquake hit Hualin Country on Taiwan’s east coast at 2:21AM. local time on Saturday.

The magnitude of the earthquake was 6.1 on the Richter Scale. Half an hour after the first earthquakes measuring 5.8 on the Richter Scale were recorded. However, the details of loss of life and property damage are not yet known. Earthquakes were reported in the cities of Hulien, Yilan, Nantou, Hsinchu, Taichung, Taoyuan and New Taipei in Taiwan’s Central Weather Administration (CWA) said the epicenter was 23 Kilometers off Hualin Country and at a depth of 24.9 Kilometers in the Philippine Sea. The epicenter of the second tremor was located at a depth of 18.9 Kilometers in the coastal sea of Hualin.

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Everyone was fast asleep in Taiwan when the midnight earthquake struck (Earthquakes). Those who felt the earthquake woke up from their sleep and ran from their houses to the roads. Earlier this month (April 13) a massive earthquake was 7.2 on the Richter Scale. It is the strongest earthquake in the last 25 years. On April 23, two earthquakes of magnitude 6.1 and 6.0 struck within minutes. Another 5.8 magnitude earthquake occurred on April 24 in the morning. It is said that 80 earthquakes occurred in Taiwan on these to dates. So far 14 people have lost their lives in the earthquake that occurred on those two dates. Experts say that since April 3, about 1199 earthquakes have occurred in Taiwan. People there are also worried. The country of Taiwan is located in the middle of the Philippine Sea. Eurasian Tectonic Plate Junction. Due to this, the risk of earthquakes is high for that country. Taiwan is one of the most earthquake-Prone areas in the Pacific Oceans. There are constant movements and adjustments in the Eurasian Tectonic Plates. That is why the risk of earthquakes has increased for Taiwan.


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